Is Your Cat Crying More Because it Is Ill?

Is Your Cat Crying More Because it Is Ill?

27 March 2019
 Categories: , Blog

You and your cat know each other pretty well. While your cat can't talk, you've probably learned to understand its cries and meows. You know when it wants something specific or when it just feels chatty and wants some attention. If your cat's crying has changed recently, then you may be wondering why. It may be crying more or in a different way and you may not be able to work out what it wants. Sometimes, changes in crying patterns may mean that your cat is ill or injured. How can you tell if this is the case with your cat?

When Does Your Cat Cry?

Cats that cry at unusual times may be vocalising pain, discomfort or distress. So, try to work out when your cat makes these cries. For example, if your cat suddenly starts to meow as it jumps off a windowsill and lands on the floor, then this may be a sign it has hurt itself. It may be crying because the impact of landing gives it some pain.

Or, if your cat suddenly starts crying when it is using its litter tray, then it may have an issue with urination or bowel movements. Crying when urinating may be a sign of an infection. Crying when passing a bowel movement could be a sign of constipation or a deeper-seated issue.

You may also find that your cat doesn't cry unless you touch a part of its body. When you stroke it, it gets agitated and vocal when you hit a certain area. Again, this could be a sign of injury or illness.

How Does Your Cat Cry?

You should also listen out to the tones of your cat's cries to see if they have changed. You'll have a good idea of the sounds your cat normally makes when it cries. Here, you're looking for unusual sounds. So, for example, if your cat sounds like it is in pain when it cries, but it doesn't normally make this kind of sound, then it may well be ill or injured. If your cat's crying is lower or higher pitched than usual, then this may also be a sign of a problem.

If you're worried about your cat's crying, then take it to a vet clinic for a check-up. Tell your vet how your cat's crying has changed and give some examples of when it usually cries. Your vet can then help you work out if anything is medically or physically wrong with your pet.

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Advice When You Add A Pony To The Family

When I was a child, I desperately wanted a horse as a pet, but our family circumstances meant it was not feasible. Flash forward 30 years later, and last year we were able to get a pony for my little girl. There is a lot to know about having a horse for a pet, so I created a blog where I could share everything we learned once the horse joined our family. From riding safety to horse feed, learning to ride to hoof care, my blog posts are all about horses. I hope that my advice is helpful once you decide to add this amazing animal to your family.
